I once translated Timm's game report into English. Have fun. - Hanna Hi everyone,
I also want to tell you about my Conquest games in Beckum.
I didn't want to play City States because, based on experience, the army is usually not designed for 1500 points, and I haven't had much fun playing 1500-point games with CS so far. I received a Fallen Divinity for my birthday and wanted to play with it in Beckum. In two test games against Hanna and Tjade, I got beaten up pretty badly, while Nino simultaneously wreaked havoc with this list. Nino was willing to lend me the missing units, and we wanted to see how two players with different experiences in OD would perform with the list. Plus, we just found it funny. I played the following list:
== (Warlord) Xhiliarch [175]: Legio I 'Primigenia', Eternal Discipline, Regalia 1, Regalia 2, Regalia 3
* Praetorian Guard (5) [285]: Standard Bearer, Profane Reliquary
* Varangian Guard (4) [265]: Standard Bearer
== Archimandrite [100]:
* Legionnaires (3) [135]: Optio
* Legionnaires (3) [120]:
* Bone Golems (3) [210:
* Bone Golems (3) [210]:
In the first round, I only watched with this list. In the second round, I brought the Praetorians with the Xhiliarch. Thanks to Regalia 3, the remaining units come much earlier. With three heavy units on the field, you then try to gain the upper hand. The list relies heavily on Aura of Death, as the Bonelems come with AoD 3 (AoD 4 with Memories of Old) and the Praetorians with AoD 4.
The first game was against Stephan. We already played CS against CS in the last Bremerhaven tournament, so today was the rematch. Stephan played the following list:
Expedition nach Beckum [1495/1500]
The City States
== (Warlord) Aristarch [100]: Architects 1
* Phalangites (5) [230]:
* Thorakites (3) [140]:
* Selinoi (3) [160]:
== Polemarch [155]: Atalanta's Spear, Inscription of Lighter Alloys, Architects 1
* Agema (3) [195]: Xypharchos
* Minotaur Haspists (3) [180]:
* Minotaur Thyreans (3) [190]:
* Hoplites (3) [145]: Lochagos
In round 1, I just watched. Stephan brought out the Selinoi and the Thoras. Both are close to the corners, presumably to shield them. The first round ended 0 to 0.
In round 2, I requested my Praetorians and rolled for everything else. Stephan added the Haspists and the Phalangites. I tried to enter the game as late as possible because I wanted to know where the Praetorians would come in. The block is large and has an Aristarch. Therefore, this block is ideal for the Praetorians. The numerous AoD hits should significantly affect the block. At the same time, the Aristarch was the Warlord, which should give me extra points.
The Haspists have Vanguard and marched in from the right, with the Thoras joining to support them. Here, my Varangian Guard would be most useful to quickly break the group and hold the zone. The Selinoi only shifted slightly to get a better view of the battlefield.
My Praetorians are positioned centrally, moving towards the forest and being somewhat protected from the Selinoi. The round passes, and it's still 0 to 0 with Stephan.
In round 3, I requested the Varangians since they are slower than the Bonelems. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of the Bonelems, but instead received the two units of Legionnaires. This is somewhat inconvenient as Stephan slowly gets his troops onto the field. He brings in Thyreans, Hoplites, and Agema with the Polemarch, and compared to him, I have significantly fewer troops. I have to play a bit more defensively.
My Varangians enter from the right to destroy the Haspists and seize the zone. The Legionnaires with Optio charge forward to secure the flank and, if necessary, take over one of the middle zones. The Praetorians move into the forest and occupy one of the middle zones. They are getting ready to charge into the Phalangites in the next round. I position the other Legionnaires in the center-left to support the Praetorians with magic. At the same time, I hope to be able to Baptize the Thyreans to take one out beforehand. The Thyreans hit hard but don't withstand much damage. A few well-placed spells can help me on the left flank.
Stephan brings in the Thyreans and the Hoplites on the left to contest the middle two zones. The Agema join from the right to support the Phalangites and contest the other zones. With a significant disadvantage in activations but a defensively stronger army, the third round ends 3 to 7 in favor of Stephan.
In round four, I finally receive my Bonelems. Knowing that Stephan wouldn't move his Haspits out of the zone, I initially declared a charge on the Phalangites with the Praetorians, managing to destroy several. Meanwhile, the Agema initiated a charge on the Praetorians. Together with the Phalangites, they took out 2 stands of Praetorians, but I was able to remove stands of Phalangites with attacks and AoD 3. The Legionnaires joined in to support against the Agema, solidifying the front. The Varangians charged the Haspits. I opted for a move charge, wanting to have them on the zone. Stephan's Thoras also charged in and managed to inflict 5 damage. I was lucky there.
The central-right house posed a bit of a problem. I had to decide whether to pass it on the left or right. I chose the left side so I could flexibly decide whether to support the Varangians or the Praetorians to secure the zone.
The Legionnaires with the Archimandrite moved towards the second zone from the left to engage the Thyreans with spells. I knew how strong they were but also understood their vulnerability to ranged attacks. The Bonelems joined in from the left to contest the zone. If the Archimandrite could take out a Thyreans with spells, the Bonelems might have a chance.
At the end of the fourth round, it's 10 to 14 in favor of Stephan. I'm catching up.
At the beginning of round 5, I activated Supremacy and went all out. I gained the initiative and started with the Varangians. I was at Tier 2. The Varangians received Memories of Old, granting them Linebreaker and Cleave 3. With this, the defense of the Haspits was completely destroyed, and with a lucky roll, I was able to destroy the unit. This was followed by a Combat Reform action, and I stood in front of the Thoras. They were also attacked, but unfortunately, only one stand was destroyed. The Thoras struck back and managed to destroy a unit of Varangians. In the center, the Phalangites were successfully destroyed with AoD and attacks, while the Agema lost a stand. At the same time, I lost a stand of Praetorians, and the Legionnaires took some damage. So, my plan worked out.
On the left, the Selinoi successfully attacked and destroyed a Bonelem with some shooting. Meanwhile, my spell against the Thyreans failed. The right flank holds, but the left is crumbling.
By destroying two regiments (the scenario is based on Killpoints) and killing the Warlord while holding three zones, I managed to catch up in points. At the end of the round, it was 28 to 14 in my favor.
In round 6, it was crucial that I attack the Thyreans first so that AoD could finish off the rest. So, I attacked the Thyreans, and with the Bonelems and spells, I managed to destroy two, while the Bonelems only received 2 damage from shooting and attacks.
In the center, the Agema were destroyed by a combination of AoD and the Praetorians. However, only one stand remains. The Praetorians and the Legionnaires then made their way to the left to support the Bonelems. The Bonelems to the left of the house were positioned very poorly, so they now have a long march ahead of them. The Varangians destroyed the last remaining Thoras on the zone.
At the end of round 6, I can extend my lead. I continue to lead with 24 to 14.
In round seven, the Thyreans were destroyed by the Bonelems. These now turned their attention to the pesky Selinoi. The Hoplites attempted to engage the Bonelems but were targeted by spells. I managed to take out one stand of Hoplites, while the Bonelem still has 5 life remaining. The other units continued on their way.
At the end of round 7, I continue to lead with 33 to 14.
In round 8, I managed to table Stephan. We counted the points, and I won with 69 to 14 against the gracious Stephan.
Conclusion: The match underscored the formidable power of this list. The Archimandrite with the Bonelems alone held the right flank, while the Varangians, empowered by Supremacy, annihilated everything in their path. Aura of Death also played a significant role. My plans executed flawlessly, allowing me to kick off the tournament with a convincing victory.
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