Samstag, 2. Dezember 2023

Guestpost Event report from Nino: - 1st conquest of the barn, Bedburg / Game 2 Old Dominion vs Dweghom(english)

Game 1
Game 2
Game 3

Game 2 Grind them down vs Dweghom

== (Warlord) Tempered Sorcerer [155]: Cthonic Flame, Magma School, Hellbringer Sorcerer
* Fireforged (3) [180]:
* Fireforged (3) [180]:
* Hellbringer Drake (1) [180]:

== Hold Raegh [90]:
* Hold Ballistae (3) [140]:
* Hold Ballistae (3) [140]:
* Dragonslayers (4) [305]: Standard Bearer
* Dragonslayers (3) [240]: Standard Bearer

== Ardent Kerawegh [80]:
* Hold Ballistae (3) [140]:
* Flame Berserkers (3) [170]:

Grind them down is currently my absolute favorite from the tournament pack. As a fairly broad scenario with lots of zones, it's definitely not the easiest game for OD, especially against lots of fast units (Wadhrun/Spire) you have to stretch yourself. But I just like the tactical aspect and that sometimes it can make sense not to score a zone just to make it worth more the next turn (which I manage to avoid 2/3 of the time during the game). These are always very movement-heavy and exciting games. With my two fast Legionary regiments and the Kataphraktoi, I'm also in an above-average position for this by OD standards.

Dweghom are lined up opposite. Usually they are much more stationary and therefore have a harder time on Grind them down, but the four light selections worry me. All the AP2 fire doesn't help much either. We have a forest in the middle left that can at least provide some cover. Otherwise, the Bonelems can't play with the Dragonslayers, the Praetorians have to take care of that. I'll probably even lose the lategame, so I'll have to push forward aggressively and score points so that the short Dweghombeine can't catch up. I benefit from the fact that I've played Grind them down more often than any other scenario.

At the start, the ballistae run in evenly distributed. Left, right and center. On the left with Raegh, on the right the Berserkers with Ardent are added. My Reinforcements aren't doing very well and I only have two regiments available on turn two. I decide to let the Strategos Legionnaires run up the left rear. They are well out of reach and can take the zone on turn 3. My last activation on turn two is to let a fast regiment run into the left zone. The Toad Wizard Warlord also comes out and decides to take the left flank. I will definitely be able to use the forest here. I'm slightly behind on points, but I'll make up for it quite automatically on turn three.

I can start on turn three and the first thing I do is secure my zone forwards against the Berserkers' attack. They arrive promptly and break the regiment of legionnaires. But no nasty dwarf sticks his toe into my zone. My second speedster regiment will hold them at the end of the turn. Now that only the light Ballistae are in his rear right zone, I even take the scenario lead this turn (this won't change for the rest of the game). It would have been smart to lend the Ardent with seek new escort to the shooters in the rear and not speculate on the initiative. I also get the last regiment of Legionaries, the Praetorians and one each of Kataphraktoi and Bonegolemens. On the other hand, I only get Fireforged and Dragonslayers once. That's enough activations for me to act with the characters and rear regiments so that the Dweghom don't get to shoot yet. The Dragonslayers come on the right, so my golems automatically land on the left. A Fireforged regiment also comes far to the left, probably too far on the flank to play a big role. Further in the middle would have caused me far more headaches. I keep the Kataphraktoi slightly behind the advancing Flitzer Legionnaires on the right flank. This prevents them from being charged by the Berserkers, but they threaten them. The Praetorians are in the center, covered by the forest, and are still thinking about where to move.

Turn four is Supremacy time! I sort cataphractoi to the top to answer the berserkers. Followed by Praetorians. Initiative goes in my favor and Charge Clash of the Horses wipes out the Flame Berserkers pretty much on point before they can do any damage. The Praetorians rotate forward, become a bit narrower and engage the middle Ballistae. More important to me, however, are the 6 stands in the middle zone. My fast Legionnaires on the right still run straight into the Ballistae standing in his zone. As a result, the Dragonslayers are stuck behind them. On the left, Bonegolems are now running forward aggressively. This tempts my opponent to aim-shoot the Ballistae, preventing the Dragon Warlord from moving forward.

The second Dragonslayers cover the Dragon's flank from my Praetorians. That's just fine with me. The second Fireforge support the right flank. Unfavorable, but I just have to defend it as aggressively as possible. My second Bonegolems therefore go more to the left. Once Kataphraktoi are shy, but that's fine with me here. I hold three zones against one with the Dweghom and the lead is growing. Just sitting it out is enough for me. I sleep a bit, because once you hold three zones or more, it makes more sense to go out of a safe one further back (-1VP/round) and only score them every two rounds (then +4 VP every other round).

From now on, it's really only a matter of delaying activations and moving troops in such a way that points can be scored as optimally as possible. Only Praetorians want to be early for Bastion. My Bonegolems on the left also want to be early. Then they can run into Fireforge. There they are out of the Dragon's LOS and have a chance against the nasty Bazookas. Unfortunately, I don't have the initiative and the Fireforge shoot once beforehand and wipe out a golem. Too bad, but still: Get in there! This battle lasts until turn eight and in the end a Bonegolem survives the carnage. The Strategos Legionnaires also make up ground now and run into the Ballistae on the left. Here I wanted to cheekily contest, but the Raegh demands a duel (which the Strategos even survives!) and the Dragon shoots out exactly two stands that were missing to break.

On the right, the Ballistae fail to wipe out the Legionnaires and so the Lump continues to block the Dragonslayers. Here, the disengage and flee would have been the right choice so that the regiment behind can act, but many players don't see that right away.

My Praetorians run into the Dragonslayers after they activate. A pack of Bonegolems takes their place in the middle and I continue to happily score three zones against one.

In terms of points, the game is probably already won at this point, but I keep up the pressure. Between AoD and 20+ attacks from the Praetorians, the Dragonslayers are running out of steam, even though they put up a brave fight. The Bonegolems in the center slap the Kataphraktoi behind them and run into the Ballistae on the left.

On the right, the Ballistae finally jump out of the melee, but I had been waiting for this and my Kataphraktoi charge into the Dragonslayers behind them. After the clash the smoke clears and they have actually killed two Stands. In return, they lose one of their own. Suddenly the right flank is back and the lategame tilts in my favor.

On the left, the dragon is somewhat overloaded. The Archmandrite's legionnaires also interfere heroically and want a taste of the sweet Dweghom juice.

Round eight is over. The last stand Dragon Slayer triumphs with Fireforged in its won zones, but on the left the dragon is surrounded by Aura of Death. We finally add up, but I'm 64:24 or similar in the lead.

Overall, a much clearer result than I had expected. My experience with the scenario helped me a lot, while my opponent ultimately suffered from his suboptimal deployment. With the Fireforged and Dragons more in the center instead of on the left and an earlier retreat of the Ballistae, as well as the Seek new escort of the ardents, the outcome might have been different. I was also able to get around the ranged pressure by engaging quickly and using the one forest to my advantage. The Strategist's Supremacy is also simply worth its weight in gold in games like this.

I want to give MVP to the Kataphraktoi again here. They handled the Berserkers and hit the Dragonslayers surprisingly well, but the real heroes were the Legionnaires. Out of over 60 points, the four regiments scored almost 50 and also effectively held off the Dragonslayers for three rounds in close combat with the right ballistae.

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