Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2023

Guestpost Timms City States Battleroport Conquest im Sidequest #2 Bremerhaven (english)

Timm wrote this in German and I ran it through the translator in my launch break- Hanna

Good morning,

Hanna made the huge mistake of giving me writing rights for her blog, so I will now flood this blog with mediocre battle reports.

Today I would like to tell you about the Bremerhaven tournament, which takes place on December 3rd. took place, report. It was a great day with three really great games. Thank you for organizing this event. It was a long day and even though I took a lot of photos I can't remember every detail. So there may be gaps in logic, for which I apologize. As always, spelling and grammatical errors are part of my creativity and my limited time

My List:

The City States
== Eidolon [120]:
* Inquisitors (3) [220]:
* Hoplites (3) [130]:

== (Warlord) Polemarch [185]: Atalanta's Spear, Inscription of Lighter Alloys, Architects 1, Architects 2, Architects 3
* Selinoi (3) [160]:
* Selinoi (3) [160]:
* Hoplites (8) [370]: Dorilates, Minotaur Haspist Auxiliary
* Minotaur Haspists (3) [180]: 

== Polemarch [90]:
* Minotaur Thyreans (3) [190]:
* Agema (3) [195]: Xypharchos 

The idea of the list was to play three heroes and get 11 activations. I played my standard Hoplite block with Dolorites, in which the Warlord sits with Architect 1-3 and Iscription of lighter Alloys. In this way I wanted to give my hoplites a lot of movement and the possibility of a lot of impact hits. The Warband was rounded off with a squad of Haspits that can quickly run through zones or attack objectives through Vanguard. They were joined by two Selinoi regiments, which were intended to thin the enemy ranks somewhat as long-range support.

There was also an Eidolon without updates that I put in the Inquisitors. These should specifically hunt down vulnerable regiments and use their high movement to intervene where I need them. There were also MSU hoplites who can hold their own zone.

Thirdly, another Polemarch was added, who hasn't received any updates. This one joined a group of Agema that I want to play on the flanks. The Xyphachos provides two additional attacks for the Commando Stand and the unit gains Flurry when played in the strategy deck. In addition, a squad of Thyreans came in for some serious damage.

1. Game with Lars (Nord) 

The first game was against dear Lars. We already played our first match against each other at the last Bremerhaven tournament in August. I lost that time, so I challenged him for a rematch. His list looked like this

5 Huskarls, 5Trolls, 3Ugr, 4 Bow chosen, 3Stalker, 4Valkyren 3Raider, and 1 Sea Jottnar. The warlord was the shaman, plus a Volva and a Bloode

I had little experience against Nords so far. Apart from the game in August against Lars (where he played a completely different list) and a game against Tjade, who mopped the floor with me, there hasn't been much so far. Therefore, I take the opportunity to get to know the units better. We played scenario 12 “Grind them down

In the first round I received both Selinoi. I placed these quite centrally so that they can be used flexibly. Lars had the Bow-Chosen and the Stalkers, who were closely confronted. 

In the second round I wanted the Haspits and Lars wanted his raiders. He used a special skill to turn these into medium units in order to be able to score points early. I also had the Agema and the large block of hoplites and Lars had the Valkyries.

Through this list I had a good number of activations. At the same time, I can delay further with the strategy deck since the last update, as you are no longer forced to play the unit in the last round, but you could still play it afterwards. So I could first see what Lars was doing. I tried to activate the Selinoi as early as possible to tackle the enemy fire, but after the enemy shooters so that he had to move. Then to buy some time with the two heroes, skip another turn with the strategy deck and see where Lars sets up his units and I can think and react accordingly.

His Valkyries came right in the middle and headed for the middle zone. The Raiders came to my left flank for the corresponding zone. In order not to fall behind, I let my Haspits run to the left flank so that I could engage in close combat with the Bowchoses on the next turn and thus slow down the raiders a bit. On the right came the hoplites, who were supposed to secure the right flank.

During the fire, I noticed that the archers on the left in the picture (I think they were the bowchoses, I'm no longer sure) were dealing out a lot of damage. Although the Selinoi have loose formation and thus significantly reduce the amount of fire, he has managed to get a foothold. The stalkers on the right were too far away, so my Selinoi on the right moved a little forward. The Agema lined up behind the Selinoi in order to replace the Haspits in the next round and rush forward. With Lars the Stalkers were able to score points with the Blooded, with me the Haspits. Everyone scored their chosen zone. It was 4 to 4.

In round 3 I only had the MSU hoplites. At Lars' place came the Sea-Jotnar and the trolls. I imagined the trolls to be very difficult to kill. It's a block of 5 stands with regeneration 6. So I got my hoplites ready first. I brought her into the zone with a slight swing. At the same time, the hoplites were supposed to secure the right-wing zones for me. His Sea-Jotnar came through the middle and got ready. The Raiders changed their formation to get past the Bowchosen.

I was aware that I would soon lose the left flank, so my plan was to take the zones on the right and then conquer the center. I placed the MSU stand hoplites on the left so that they can stand in the small area and score. The Selinoi on the right shot at the Valkyries and caused some damage, but the Volva promptly healed them. The Bowchoses fired at the Haspits and were able to wipe out almost everyone. They then charged into the regiment and were able to destroy a stand with the help of the Selinoi. The stalkers shot at the Selinoi on the right and did some damage. Lars was able to score in three zones, including the chosen zone. I was able to score two zones including the chosen zone. So it was now 10:12 for Lars

Things got hot in round 4. I got my Thyreans and my Inquisitors, Lars got his Huskarls and Ugyr. So everything was on the field. My goal was to continue to give up the left side, conquer the center with the Inquisitors and turn the game around from the right. So you came in the middle to charge into the Valkyrens in the next round. On the right, Lars made a mistake and moved his trolls further forward. I had to slowly make up points, so I took a risk. I put the hoplites in the strategy deck and waited for the other units. The Polemarch was second to last. I gave the hoplites Mobility to charge the unit. Thanks to unstoppable, my chances were pretty good. I don't do impacts because of the forest. I roll the dice and succeed. The hoplites were able to charge-clash. As a result of a violent storm of attacks (17 attacks Clash 4 of the Hoplites, 7 attacks of Clash 4 Flurry Cleave 1 of the Polemarch, 4 attacks of Clash 4 Cleave 1 with repeat 6s by the cow and all with Rentless blows) are a yeasty storm of damage and 3 Stand's trolls were destroyed as a result. The unity was broken and could not heal. A mega success. At the same time, the Thyreans, who are supposed to hold the upper zone, came in from the side. Overall, the power of the Inscription of lighter Alloy was evident throughout the tournament, and it served me very well.

Lars' Valkyren charged into the Selinoi in the middle and were able to destroy 2 stands. The Raiders attacked the Selinoi on the right and were able to do some damage. The Bowchoses destroyed the last cow, but the Agema attacked and were able to destroy 2 Stands. The Sea-Jotnar, in turn, was able to destroy 3 Stands Agema. Lars scored in 3 zones + the desired zone. I could only score in one zone. 11 to 20 for Lars.

No new units arrived in the 5th round. Lars and I had a great time and had a few nice conversations, so we were slowly running behind on time (even though we had 30 minutes more time).

I received Supremacy. My remaining Selinoi activated and destroyed two Stands Raiders in close combat. The Valkyrens destroyed the Selinoi and retreated slightly. The hoplites destroyed the last trolls on the right and the Thyreans charged into the stalkers. The hoplites went into the zone. The Chosen could not destroy the Agema, so the Jotnar had to cast magic and prepare to fight the Inquisitors. The Ugyr prepared to go to the flank of the hoplites. So the round ended somewhat unspectacularly. It was clear to me that I had to destroy the raiders and the shaman they contained, because then Lars could only score points with the Huskarls on the left. At the same time I had to get the middle. Maybe I would still win.

Time was running out and I forgot to take photos. The photo below shows the situation at the end of round 7. In the 6th round, the Thyreans did not completely destroy the Stalkers. That was unfortunate. The Ugyr went into the side of the hoplites and were able to destroy 3 stands. The hoplites turned and smashed the Ugyr. The Selinoi actually knocked out the raiders, so Lars can no longer score on the left. The Huskarls stay in the zone, as do my hoplites in the bottom right. Lars placed his Sea-Jotnar so that I couldn't get into the zone. I couldn't destroy him in round 7. So it would take at least turn 8 for me to beat the Jotnar and turn 9 for me to be in the middle zone. The Bow-Chosen destroy the Selinoi and the Huskarls can change zones again to get the bonus points for the desired zone. So we had to end the whole thing at the end of lap 7, extrapolate and realized that I couldn't catch up with the points anymore. In the end, Lars won 51 to 39.

A really good game against a great and likeable opponent. My hoplites and Selinoi have absolutely fulfilled their tasks. In the end I was a little too slow and didn't score enough points. I left the first round annoyed, but with a good feeling.

Game number 2 against Uziel  (Nord)

I played the second round against dear Tjade. So far I have always lost against his Dweghom, today he is competing with his Nord. I only played against them once and lost mercilessly. But I thought that Tjade's selection wasn't much larger and I knew a few units and their general tasks. So I still played against one of the best players in Germany (and the eventual tournament winner), but I have hope that I won't lose badly.

By the way, I regularly play with Tjade on Fridays at Kutami in Bremen. We are there very regularly and are happy to welcome more players.

Tjade played the following list

== Konungyr [155]: Wolf, The Broken Blade, Headhunter

 * Huskarls (5) [270]: Standard Bearer, Thegn

 * Bow-Chosen (3) [210]:

 * Ice Jotnar (1) [260]:

== Blooded [110]: Crow, The Hunt's Instinct

 * Stalkers (3) [160]:

 * Ugr (3) [150]:

 * Fenr Beastpack (3) [140]:

 * Fenr Beastpack (3) [140]:


== (Warlord) Shaman [90]: Prize Silver, Sacrificial Lamb

 * Raiders (3) [125]: Shield Biter

 * Mountain Jotnar (1) [190]:

 As a loyal podcast listener, I knew about the awesome duel potential of the Konungyr, which can easily take out my heroes, and about the speed of the list.

In the first round I received the two Selinoi. Tjade got his bow-chosen and the raiders. I placed a unit of Selinoi on the left to threaten the zone and the other unit on the right with the same task. Tjade put his bowchoses in the middle and his raiders on the right side (as seen from me) and threatened the right zone. Neither of us scored points in the first round.

In the second round came my Hoplites and the Haspits. At Tjade came the Huskarl, both Beastpacks and the Raiders. The Selinoi on the right shot at the stalkers and destroyed a stand, at the same time they took some damage. I moved the other Selinoi forward just slightly so that the Haspits could overtake them. As expected, both Beastpacks surged forward and charged into the zone. The Huskalrs prepared to take over the left zone. It was clear to us that I wouldn't be able to get them out of there once they were in the zone, so we had to quickly get a few points there and then concentrate on the right side with the more fragile units. The bowchoses shot at the objective and caused damage. Tjade was able to score in both zones. At the end of the second round it is 8 to 0 for Tjade.

In the third round I got my Inquisitors, the Thyreans and the Agema. At Tjade the Jotnar came. Things are slowly getting hot.

I got Supremacy, which was very important this turn. This allowed me to activate the Haspits first. They received the autocharge in the beast packs and were able to completely wipe them out. The Huskarls then charged into the Haspits and destroyed a stand. The Agema got ready on the left to either get their little toe into the zone and prevent the scoring or attack the Jotnar if he wanted to go into the left zone.

My inquisitors came in on the right. They have enough speed to take care of the stalkers and take the zone or attack the objective in the top right.Tjade's bowchoses shot at the objective and did a second damage. The beast pack on the right charged into the Selinoi. They hit and destroyed 2 stands of the beast pack

The hoplites got mobility again and charged into the bow-chosen to secure the middle.

Tjades Jotnar went to the left flank. At the end of the third round it was 2:10 for Tjade

In the fourth round at Tjade came the Ugyr and the Mountain.Jotnar. The hoplites came to me. The goal was to hold the right flank and concentrate everything on the Jotnar on the left. If I get the Jotnar, then Tjade has the Huskarls to score, but on the right side I was hoping that I could turn the game around because of my three hammer units.

Tjades Mountan-Jotnar and Ugyr moved into the right flank. The inquisitors attack the stalkers and destroy them. My Thyreans continued forward. The Selinoi destroy the Beastpack and prepare to support the right side. So Inquisitor and Monutain-Jotnar as well as Thyreans and Ugyr faced each other. The hoplites destroy the Bow-Chosen, the raiders charge into the hoplites and were able to do damage with Clash-Charge, but were unable to destroy a stand. Hoplites are really a bastion. The Huskarls couldn't destroy the Haspits, which is why the Ice Yotnar had to help and then charge them into the Selonoi.

On the left I tried a charge against the Huskalrs to get into the side nicely. Of course I forgot fluid formation with which I would have gotten into Autocharge. But I only needed to roll a 2+ to make the charge. The unit went to the strategy deck to get Flurry. I activated and of course I get a 1 in the charge. That was a game changer. I might have been able to tear the game with the Charge.

At the end of the round I was able to score in the right zone and Tjade in the left zone. So it was 12:4 for Tjade.

Round 5 is the decisive round. Whoever gets the Supramecy will dominate the rest of the game. Tjade received this. I don't remember the exact process, so I'll summarize it. On the right side the hoplites destroy the raiders and turn towards the zone. The Mointain-Jotnar and the Ugyr faced the Inqusitors and Thyreans. After some fierce fighting, the Inquisitors and 2 Stands of Thyreans are destroyed, but the one near Tjade is the Mountain Jotnar. This went unfavorably for me, even if I held the right zone I lost too many units. The Selonoi still went up. The Yotnar destroys the Selinoi on the left and charges against the MSU Hopites in the middle. He received a total of 6 damage from both units. The Agema charge into the Huskalrs. I should have focused these on the Jotnar. The aim of the session was to prevent Tjade from scoring so that I could catch up.

In the 6th round the Ugyr charge into the Selonoi and destroy them. The hoplites come after and destroy the Ugyr. The giant destroys the hoplites, who were able to knock him down to 2 life points beforehand. The Huskarls stay in the zone.

At this point we ended the game. The Jotnar now gradually gets both objectives and we both score in our zone.

At the end of the game there wasn't much left on either side. The fight in round 5 decided everything. If I had the Supramecy, I could have gotten Mountain-Jotnar and Ugyr and gotten the points. I would also have beaten the Charge with the Agema and maybe should have gone with the Jotnar too. So Tjade won, but it was a super exciting game. I think the final score was 12 and 24 or something.

Game 3 against Stephan( City States).

In my last game I played against dear Stephan, who also plays City States. This made me very happy because I was finally playing against a faction that I knew.

Stephans List: 

== Eidolon [130]: Resonance Receptors

 * Thorakites (4) [230]: Xypharchos, Minotaur Thyrean Auxiliary

 * Thorakites (4) [230]: Xypharchos, Minotaur Thyrean Auxiliary

 * Inquisitors (3) [220]:

 * Promethean (1) [230]:


== (Warlord) Polemarch [170]: Aristia, Blades of Eakides, Architects 1, Architects 2, Architects 3

 * Hoplites (6) [290]: Dorilates, Minotaur Haspist Auxiliary

 * Selinoi (3) [160]:

 * Minotaur Haspists (3) [180]:

 * Selinoi (3) [160]:

In contrast to my list, Stephan relied heavily on light units and didn't have any heavy units with him. It's nice to see the variance in the list that the new units create for CS players.

Round 1 begins. I receive both Selinoi again, Stephan receives both Selinoi and both Torahs. He placed the Torahs wide in the direction of the left zone and placed Selinoi behind them. I placed my Selinoi quite centrally to greet the arriving Torahs. 

Round two begins. I want the haspits to score quickly in the zone. Stephan wanted his PRemethian. In addition, the inquisitors and the large block of hoplites came to me. Nothing progressed with Stephan.

The troops moved forward. My Haspits have taken the left zone. The Thoras on the left with the eidolon turned around and disappeared behind the house. The middle Selinoi of mine moved forward a little to get ready to fire. The other Selinoi only move far enough for the Inquisitors to overtake them and shoot at the lens. They made an S. The hoplites spread out to the right to relieve the Haspits while holding the zone.

In the second round I can now score points and am 2 to 0 in the lead.


In the third round, Stephan was joined by the Haspits and the large block of Hoplites. I received the Agema and the MSU hoplites. I charged the Inquisitors onto the objective and did my two damage. The Selinoi moved up to provide fire support. In this way the objective was destroyed. The Promethian has a huge target on its head and is therefore initially shot at. The Haspits charge onto the Promethian and could also do some damage. The Promethean in turn charged at the objective and struck. This is how Stephan was able to win the first objective. The Selinoi fired on the Haspits and were able to destroy a stand. The Holplites went to the zone and the MSU Hoplites followed as a relief. I placed the Agema in the middle so that I can use it as flexibly as possible against the incoming units. Stephan's Thoras are trying to get to the lens on the right side. Stephasn hoplites on the right wanted to take over the zone. The Torahs, in turn, reformed and moved further to the margins of the Objective.

In this round we both got an objective and scored the zone. It was 7 to 5 for me.

In round 4 I received my Thyreans. I placed them at the bottom right to greet the Agema. I can either stop them a little or even destroy them. Both are valid for me. On the right side the Haspits and the Promethean and the Selinoi clashed. Unfortunately, both units were unable to destroy these tough cattle, which is why my hoplites falter a bit. Stephan's haspits charged at the inquisitors. They were able to take out two. However, they fought back and took out two Stands Haspits with the help of the fire. The Selinoi continued firing at the Promethean. Stephan's hoplites were also stuck. The Agema prepared to assist, while Stephan's Inquisitors joined in the middle. We both scored the zone again. It was 9 to 7.

The game would be decided in round 5. Supreamecy was important. If I get them, then the Thyreans can destroy the Thoras, otherwise the Thoras would destroy the fragile Thyreans.

To my regret, Stephan received the Supramacy. The Thoras overran the Thyreans and my left flank was clear. To do this, my inquisitors destroyed the remaining Haspits only to be destroyed by Stephan's inquisitors. The Agema pivoted slightly to take on the Inquisitors in the next round. On the left, the Haspits destroy the Promethean, only to die in the fire. The hoplites called Anlauf and destroyed the Selinoi in a rush of spears. The right flank is mine.

The goal was now to take the Thoras under fire in the next few rounds. The Agema must destroy the Inquistors in order to then continue to put pressure on the Selonoi. This is how I can keep up my grades. But at the end of the round both scored the zone again and the score was 11 to 9.

Unfortunately, in round 6 I didn't get Supremacy again. Stephan's inquistors charged into the Agema and were able to destroy some. However, the Inquistors were attacked by both Selinoi and the Agema and two Stands were destroyed. On the right the Goplites marched towards the objective. Thanks to the Inscription of lighter alloy, they are really fast on the move. She did her two damage to the objective. The Torahs of Stpehan charted the mission objective and could cause damage. Again we scored in both zones and the score was 13 to 11.

In turn 7, the Inquisitors destroyed the Agema, but then sank under fire. I swung the Selinoi to attack the Thoras. My hoplites hit the objective again, just like Stephen's Torahs. We both score them. It was 15 to 13

The game was pretty much over, but we kept playing. The Selinoi of mine shot at the Thoras and were able to destroy a stand and deal 2 damage. Stephan's Thoras tore apart the objective and moved towards the Selinoi. My hoplites destroyed the objective and made a reform; after all, there are still hoplites on the other side of the board who can be beaten up.

Again we both scored the zone and both got the points for the objective. So the score was 20:18.


In round 9, Stephans Selinoi decided my Selinoi and were able to take out a stand. My Selinoi again shot a standing Thoras. The Thoras punched the charge cube so that it only moved a few inches. Thanks to Mobility, my hoplites kept moving. Stephan and his hoplites carried out a reform campaign. We both got the zone points. It was 22:20.

In the last round, Stephan couldn't leave the zone otherwise he would lose the points. So I put the hoplites in the strategy deck to get impact. Stephen's Thoras chartered into the Selinoi and were able to destroy them with his Selinoi. My selinoi fired cheerfully at the Toras. The hoplites charged are Stephan's hoplites and knocked out two stands. Again, no harm came through for him. I was able to prevent the Polemarch from scoring in his zone by “come and get it” and won 24 to 20.

Many thanks to Stephan for this great and exciting game.

Conclusion about the tournament:

I really liked my list. The Selino are exactly the addition the City States needed. They got their points back. The mobile inquisitors also did a lot of damage, even if they died quickly. Evasion 2 is particularly difficult against fire. The Inscription of lighter alloys is simply worth its weight in gold! It gives the army so much movement so you can get the alpha strike you need.

The strategy deck update has also proven itself. You could delay the game to plan better and wait to see what your opponent would do. The 11 activations by the three heroes helped this a lot. At times my opponent was finished before me, which is something I've never had with city states before. So I was able to compensate for the disadvantages of the mobility draw event (no shield, no phalanx, -1 defense) because there was nothing left that could attack.

I'm leaving the tournament very satisfied. While I played really badly in August and rightly came second to last, these games went much better and smoother. I made significantly fewer mistakes and am looking forward to continuing to practice with the CS and hopefully getting into the single digits at the next tournament.

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