Samstag, 7. Oktober 2023

Battelreport Brave Humans vs Humans with Cows (english)

 Oh dear God Google translate this battle report for me. Thanks

Next week we want to drive nine hours to Konrad in Waldkirch and experience an epic tournament and since Para Bellum recently published new scenarios we are busy practicing. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to publish the first three games this week and I'll probably have forgotten about them in two weeks or simply made too many others and so I'll start with these.
It was against the good Persomaker and his City States at the weekly game meeting in Kutami. By the way, we play there and/or give demos almost every Friday week.

My List
The Hundred Kingdoms

== (Warlord) Noble Lord [125]: Regalia of the Empire, Weapon Master, Tactical 1
 * Household Guard (9) [405]: Standard Bearer, Armsmaster
 * Longbowmen (5) [215]:
 * Men at Arms (3) [105]:

== (Warlord) Imperial Officer [75]: On Your Feet, Fire First, Aim Later
 * Steel Legion (3) [175]: Standard Bearer
 * Hunter Cadre (5) [300]: Veterans, +1 Volley, Standard Bearer, Null Mage
 * Imperial Ranger Corps (3) [120]:
 * Men at Arms (3) [105]:

== Priory Commander (Crimson Tower) [160]: Olefant's Roar, Long Lineage
 * Order of the Crimson Tower (3) [215]: Standard Bearer

Not quite what I normally play, but those who know my army will immediately notice that it contains a lot of my conversions and I just like them. Besides, the list is quite useful ;)

Persomakers City States inspired by a talking elephant from America (Benjamin)

The City States

== (Warlord) Polemarch [185]: Atalanta's Spear, Inscription of Lighter Alloys, Architects 1, Architects 2, Architects 3
 * Hoplites (8) [370]: Dorilates, Minotaur Haspist Auxiliary
 * Minotaur Haspists (3) [180]:
 * Minotaur Thyreans (3) [190]:
 * Minotaur Haspists (3) [180]:

== Polemarch [100]: Architects 1
 * Hephaestian (1) [250]:
 * Minotaur Thyreans (3) [190]:
 * Agema (4) [220]:
 * Hoplites (3) [130]:

We are playing the new (September 2023 Update) Off Balance and Timm comes without lights. Unfortunately he is not currently in Waldkirch due to the young talent, but he is at the second tournament in Sidequest Bremerhaven. There don't happen to be any seats available there ;)
So all three of my lights march onto the plate in round 1 without any problems and due to a very annoying house I decide to only play on one flank. It's clear to me that I'm up 2-5 points early on and I just have to hold on to them to win.
In round two a Regiment of Man at Arms comes automatically because I really want to hold the other zone with Vanguard. In addition there is my Household Guard and Timm has 2x shield cows and the hoplite block. After all, he dares to go a little too far forward with a unit of shield cows and the rangers shoot one. Because I'm greedy, the longbows shoot at the lens and cause damage there.

So the brave people easily go 5 points ahead and the mean cows look evil. In the middle picture you can see the hoplite block that is nicely hidden behind the forest and hills because it somehow doesn't want to be worked on by hunters and rangers. Incomprehensible.

For the next round I want and need my Crimson Tower and unfortunately that's all I roll. The City States get all remaining Mediums and do not roll any Heavys. Well, who wants to come from the flank? No matter, I have a plan for that and Timm can start and his cows make a successful charge against the longbows. In the field, no impacts, everything is good. Just a few wounds and I can get started with the Man at Arms. I'm not getting off well, so flucbht forward and charge to the 2! Roll a one and then get the countercharge and the regiment simply bursts. The Agema and the Titan come to Timm and I use alibi activation and shoot a cow. At least the Rangers are really up for it and after a reform two Agema out of 9 hits simply die. They got lost in the shadow of.
Satisfactory so far, the last activation is my little knight block coming onto the plate and randomly remaining out of sight on the flank 15 inches from the cows with shields. They just want to look.

For both of us, the rest comes in round four and as it happens, I start and the Crimson become the nail in the coffin for the City States. The impacts kill the cows on the flank, simply pushing the line back would have been enough for me and standing in the zone.
Timm now only has limited options and brings the Cleave 3 cows on each flank, loses the Agema to the Hunter and has to/want to send his block into the Crimson to keep the zone. Instead of hitting the object with Move Charge with the giant, he speculates on hurting the Household Guard. He can do that too, but the rest of them turn him into a bed rug. I'm putting the Steel Legion and Man at Arms on the Crimson's flank and hoping to just buy time. Then we score again and my lead remains.

I get a bit lost in alibi activations, Timm kills the Crimson and my Steel Legion kills two three Stands from the big hoplite block. I wrote it off, but it takes time for him to get out of there. Less than expected because I didn't pay attention to the strategy deck and mobility, but enough to take care of the cows with the longbows and prepare everything for the onslaught of the City States.

The rest is then quickly told, the City States easily get a lens with Moblity, me too, his cows with two-handed weapons are just barely defeated by the Hunters in close combat and Timm has the choice of killing the Hunter Cadre for the honor or going into the Block Household Guards to go. Victory for the brave people by 5 points.

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