Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023

Battlereport lucky Knights vs lucky Volva (english)

One week until Kelpie Con and I still didn't know what to play. After Lara aka LA1 had reported for a practice game the days before, the rematch came today and I decided to test a similar list to the USA with 5 heavys.

== Imperial Officer [75]: On Your Feet, Fire First, Aim Later
* Mercenary Crossbowmen (3) [110]: Standard Bearer
* Mercenary Crossbowmen (3) [110]: Standard Bearer
* Mercenary Crossbowmen (3) [105]:
* Steel Legion (5) [315]: Veterans, +1 Clash, Standard Bearer, Drillmaster

== (Warlord) Priory Commander (Crimson Tower) [165]: Armor of Dominion, Long Lineage
* Order of the Crimson Tower (3) [215]: Standard Bearer
* Order of the Crimson Tower (3) [215]: Standard Bearer
* Order of the Ashen Dawn (5) [380]:
* Order of the Ashen Dawn (4) [310]: 

== Blooded [100]: Crow
* Ugr (3) [150]:
* Trolls (4) [240]:
* Stalkers (3) [160]:
* Fenr Beastpack (4) [180]: 

== Konungyr [120]: Dragon
* Bow-Chosen (4) [270]:
* Ice Jotnar (1) [260]:
* Huskarls (4) [235]: Skald, Thegn

== (Warlord) Volva [90]:
* Valkyries (4) [195]: 

Lars wanted to test something new and I looked at his list in confusion. Somehow it all seemed half-thought out and I didn't think much of Volva as a warlord, but he said there was a plan and so we set up Grind Them Down.

Round 1 saw the Konungyr in the Bow Chosen on the left flank and the Blooded in the middle in the Stalkers. I decided to have all my Crossbows come on the right flank, as I wouldn't get the first more regiments until turn 3.

Luckily, in the next round he only had the Huscarls, Dogs and Valkyren and I shot a Stand Stalker. I briefly considered running into two zones to deny him that, but I didn't want to throw away my crossbows when I only have so few regiments on the board. 4:8

Round 3 was the rest except for one Ugr regiment and two of my total of five Heavys. We positioned ourselves, I shot another Stand Stalker and unfortunately his Bow Chosen was down. His Fenris Wolves made a move charge to annoy me and keep the zone and after some consideration I placed the 5 Ashen Dawn block with Commander on the left flank. I was sure that he wouldn't roll the dice so well that they would go home and then the Ashen Dawn would just go through everything there and I would just have to look at what was happening on the right flank. Since I was at 14.1 he had to move a bit and did 8 damage to the Ashen Dawn. With a sinking feeling in his stomach he went into round 4 and increased the points gap to 2:16

Round 4 was the rest of both of us and I wanted to start because I definitely didn't want to get another round of shots from the Bow Chosena. That's what happened and the Ashen Dawn managed to kill a Stand Bow Chosen with the Impacts. Great. Not what I expected and doubly stupid because I had paid little attention to the nasty Ice Jotnar. It immediately hit the flank and buried all my hopes, but Lars didn't kill any knights with it. Instead, the Konungyr and the Bow Chosen had to go and reduce the knights to two. Somehow that wasn't right and then my Crossbows were allowed to land a solid 12 hits against the Fenrir in close combat and sent two home because if I was absurdly good on the 2 dice, of course he was allowed to do that too. Since we're talking about absurd dice, the last stalker went and the trolls took the place in the zone. They were almost 13" away and I decided to try the Charge Clash since otherwise I don't do enough damage against the trolls and of course the 6 came and three stand trolls went home. Thanks to this tactical masterstroke I suddenly had a zone and could calmly place my second Ashen Dawn in the middle and the second Crimson Towers on the right flank and on the left the Steel Legion appeared with 16" movement to run directly into a zone. That made the gap slightly better. 5:21

Round 5 I was greedy after the successes of the last round and was allowed to start right away and the Steel Legion collected an Ice Jotnar skull. Full of anticipation, I saw the flank being mine and when my Ashen Dawn was allowed to strike, two Stands also went home. Only two stands, the third one was barely clinging to life. Damn you Evasion 2! The Konungyr and the last Chosen painted their faces with the blood of their fallen comrades and once laughed out loud as my Ashen Dawn were simply erased from history in retaliation. What in the name of Hazlia is wrong with them?

On the other hand, things didn't really go any better and Lars was always one activation ahead of me, which meant I lost two regiments of Crossbows and his wolves also ended up in the Ashen Dawn. Of course I didn't manage to kill the dogs with Blessed and the Ugr blocked my right Crimson Tower using Move Charge and I felt pretty bad because I only had two zones again, but at least the same applied to Lars. 9:25

In round 6 Lars was allowed to start again and the Bow Chosen or the last one with the Konungyr announced a charge against the Steel Legion and only killed four legionnaires. For a very short time I had a sweat of fear on my forehead that the regiment would simply burst. Then Lars's luck ran out and my Crimson Tower killed the Ugr, the Ashen Dawn killed the dogs, the trolls also went home and the Steel Legion got rid of the Konungyr. Now only the Huscarls and the Valkyren were left on the field and I should soon be able to score points too. But there were still only five points for each. 14:30.

Looking at the pictures, I no longer know why the Huscarls didn't give the Steel Legion a charge until round 7. In any case, it only cost me five lives despite the flank and in the reform I took further damage so that I was only able to beat the Huscarls with two standings left. It was rather mixed, but I took him one stand. On the other hand, we swapped Valykren for Crimson Tower and I got the upper right zone with the other Crimson Towers because I chose them. So I approached a comfortable 20:31

And because we didn't have enough absurd dice in this game, of course I started and killed the remaining Huscarls in round 8. This allowed me to rest and comfortably farm five points three times and win undeservedly with 35:31. After all, we both came to the realization that we wouldn't be playing these lists again.

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