But who am I? Well, I'm Hanna and I mainly play the Hundred Kingdoms and in 2023 I drove roughly 4000 km through the Federal Republic of Germany to play in various tournaments. At the moment the tournament scene in Germany is still small and it's more of a fun school trip than a really hard, ambitious system and for me it's more about the fun and the look, but I still win sometimes. In other words, it will mostly be about my opinion on the individual peoples, especially the hundred kingdoms and my private games in Sidequest Bremerhaven, the Kutami Bremen and at tournaments. It goes without saying that I make unambiguously objective and correct statements and that I am always right - not. Any spelling and grammatical errors will be entirely intentional and merely a test for my dear readership. If there are strange words in the middle, it's like Disord: I've found the voice recognition on my phone and don't read through it again.
Since it received a surprising amount of response in the first few days/weeks, I plan to add unit analyses, review articles and starting aids to the whole thing in the foreseeable future. For a few of the factions I will try to get guest contributions from other players and a few of my teammates have already agreed to this.
If you are new to Conquest Last Argument of Kings and are looking for a little help getting started, just click on
This list will grow over time. I would also recommend using the indexes available in the Hotlink toolbar to quickly find information about something. For example, if you are looking for a game report against W'adrhŭn, just click on the Casual Games Battlereport Index. There you will find one (soon several) links to game reports with Hundred Kingdoms against W'adrhŭn in the "W'adrhŭn" subsection.
Finally, a little picture of my brave people who will soon grow even further:
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