Samstag, 4. November 2023

Battlereport Kelpie Con Tournament Game 2 & 3: Hundred Kingdoms vs Old Dominion und W'adrhŭn (english)

Game 1
Game 2 & 3

After Nino wrote me his reports, I pulled myself together this evening and wrote the last two reports from my games at Kelpie Con, starting with game 2 at Head to Head.

=== The Last Argument of Kings ===

FD/Xhili Vags & Kühe [2000/2000]
The Old Dominion

 == (Warlord) Fallen Divinity [330]: Eternal Discipline
* Kanephors (3) [210]:
* Kanephors (3) [210]:

 == Hierodeacon [80]:
* Legionnaires (3) [155]: Icon Bearer, Standard Bearer, Optio
* Buccephaloi (3) [220]:
* Legionnaires (3) [155]: Icon Bearer, Standard Bearer, Optio
* Buccephaloi (3) [220]:

 == Xhiliarch [135]: Legio I 'Primigenia', Regalia 1, Regalia 2
* Praetorian Guard (5) [285]: Standard Bearer, Profane Reliquary

At first glance it looked like the usual nasty stuff, but the Fallen Devinity in its current form is not that convincing in the September scenarios and I had never played against the cows. I still don't fully understand why they are worse than Kanephors and Varangians but more expensive, but Nino just wanted to play stuff that he rarely puts on the table and finds pretty.

For the first three rounds, everyone basically marches onto the battlefield and his Fallen Devinity comes behind a house in round 3 because he was a bit afraid of the Crossbows. So I was allowed to score twice until we had basically lined up and on the left flank there were all the legionnaires, the two cows and once Kanephors, opposite double Ashen Dawn, once Household Knights and all Crossbows and on the right side Praetorians, the FD, once Kanephors, Rangers with my Warlord, double Ashen Dawn and Household Knights.

Nino didn't hesitate and threw things into the meat grinder with Move Charge and I took the Praetorians and a regiment of Kanephors off the table in one turn, giving up only my Rangers and my Warlord.
In round 5 the skeet shooting continued and with the right activations I dismantled an Old Dominion army as per the script for the first time in a long time. The left flank slowly collapsed because I was able to prepare the legionnaires with the crossbows and was always allowed to get in the way so that I swapped crossbows for cows because the Crimson Towers were waiting behind them. On the other hand, since the Fallen Devinity fought with two regiments of Ashen Dawn for four rounds, it did virtually no damage, but thanks to R5 Fearless, which needs two activations to kill a regiment, I was able to deduct the other Household Knights and the small zone dot through on the left side. Overall, a very boring game without any major mistakes that was over within an hour and ended with 52:26 for me. The standard Schmock with Xhiliarch or Strategos Warlord with Varangians etc would have been much less favorable on head to head.
Game 3

Zuper Duper [2000/2000]
The W'adrhŭn

== (Warlord) Chieftain [135]: Death, Mantle of the Devoted, Rapid Displacement, Tontorr Rider
 * Tontorr (1) [310]: 
 * Veterans (3) [180]: 
 * Veterans (3) [180]: 
 * Raptor Riders (3) [210]: Huntress

== Scion of Conquest [195]: Death, Death's Gaze, Focused, Conquest 1, Conquest 2, Conquest 3
 * Braves (6) [220]: 

== Predator [145]: War, Ceaseless Hunt, Marksmanship, Conquest 1, Conquest 2, Conquest 3
 * Hunting Pack (3) [125]: 
 * Hunting Pack (3) [125]: 
 * Slingers (3) [175]: Flint Knapper

The final was supposed to be against Dennis W'adrhŭn, who beat me with a similar list a few weeks ago. This time I had humanity's greatest heroes with me and I like the Breakout scenario better than Head to Head. After briefly looking at his list, I was pretty sure that there was no way I could win a wide game. The Tontorr on rollerblades would always intervene where I had the least support and anything under three knight regiments would be shaken off unless I got the Charge Clash twice, but Dennis wouldn't give me this and usually knows what he's doing.

 Round 1 & 2 everything happened for us, except once Household Knights and the first Crossbows marched in the middle, his slingers on the right into a forest and I decided to occupy the left flank with the rest and to pull my reinforcement line far forward with the Rangers , as I doubted that a Hunting Pack would want to use Move Charge to move within range of three shelling regiments. That worked well and at the end of round 2 my Noble Lord ran into the zone from the side, two wide and thanks to Vanguard. Dennis was less surprised since he already knew this trick of mine. The raptors were still struggling with a lens and overall he was positioned quite wide, but unfortunately the thick block of Braves was on my left flank. 7-0

Round 3 he rolled everything or I did, because Dennis had nothing to roll and he calmly moved his battle line forward and easily wiped out the Noble Lord with crossbows to keep the right zone in the possession of the W'adrhŭn forever. This didn't matter to me as they had completed their task and all the knights marched on the left flank so that we could play fairly with 1500 points against 1000. With enough trust in his dinosaurs, he sensed a trap, but saw no alternative to flooding the left flank and activated his things in an unfavorable order for me, which only let me do some damage to the veterans. This gave him both outer zones, but in the middle his raptors failed to shoot the lens and I got my lens and the middle zone with the Household Knights 10:7

Round 4 before the start of the round, I deliberately measured the distance between Household Knights and the Raptors several times, hoping to distract Dennis from my original plan. Of course he ignored this botched attempt and his left Hunting Pack used Move Charge into my Ranger to bind me. How annoying. I actually wanted my knights to turn and entangle the Hunting Pack in the side, blocking their entire flank forever. So Operation Living Shield had to be used again and I decided to try a Charge Clash on the 5 against the Raptors, since even if it failed either the Raptors or the Tontorr would be closer to my shooters. Of course the throw works and I kill two raptors, which I think is okay overall. What wasn't great was that the slingers and the last raptor simply dismantled my brave knights. His other hunting pack sets off on the long journey to the other flank and the Tontorr is very demotivated and does not want to face the two Ashen Dawn blocks in and near the forest. Dennis couldn't explain to me why it was so high up and on the left flank the Braves had to activate Block and was able to catch my Imperial Officer's Crossbows with Move Charge. Perfect. My Rangers and Crossbows sacrificed themselves for the team and retreated. This resulted in both regiments dying, but I was able to move Ashen Dawn into the flank of the Hunting Pack, move the other Ashen Dawn into the zone and beat up veterans, and use Crimson Tower Charge to wipe out half the Braves block. Pretty okay for one round and the sacrifice of my warlord. Nobody took the middle zone. 13:12

Round 5 I ignited the Supremacy and was allowed to start. This meant the Braves went home and I cleared the entire flank and hoped that Dennis would go into the back of the Ashen Dawn with the Tontorr via Move Move Charge. Unfortunately, after learning the Seek new Escort trick the hard way, he smelled the roast when I chose Hardend for the Ashen Dawn and decided to destroy his marker and just threaten the zone since I had to come if I won wanted. Thanks to the brave sacrifice of my penultimate crossbows, the last raptor finally went down and I was able to move into the Tontorr hunting position. Unfortunately I overlooked the second Hunting Pack and stupidly sacrificed my last Household Knights, but thanks to Seek new Escort this problem was solved by the Ashen Dawn. 15:17

Rounds 6 & 7 made my activation advantage and the fact that the Tontorr couldn't be the last card noticeable and I managed to hold the middle zone twice and always cover the regiment there with two more riders. Unfortunately, I failed the dice against the Slingers and took eight damage to the first Ashen Dawn that might have wanted to threaten his right zone, but I wanted to end this now and asked the Tontorr to take active action. Well, it wasn't that brave, because I knew where the map was, my knights only went into the zone hesitantly, because I have a hell of a lot of respect for the Tontorr 29:21

Round 8 now Dennis had no choice and had to go into the zone and take the flank of the first Ashen Dawn. The Standen or one and after a few back and forth activations I also pulled a Regiment Crimson Tower into his flank and thus had enough Standen to hold the zone and win the game. My second Ashen Dawn just positioned themselves and 35:23 was no longer catchable for him because he couldn't possibly get my left flank and I would therefore score at least 4 more points and he would score a maximum of 14.

Since we still had a little time, we continued playing and he started in round 9 with the Tontorr and killed both regiments that were next to him, took the charge from the last two Ashen Dawn and of course stood up to them... They were then promptly shot by the slingers and as was often the case, everything depended on the brave humans with sticks, the Crossbows. They aimed at the eyes of the Tontorr, brought down the monster and rejoiced in the name of humanity.

Conclusion: I win the tournament with three wins and I liked Timo's list, even if the Household Knights were mostly "over" and my "upgrade" with the Rangers was pretty useless. I also miss my longbows to get things like the VCI, Slinger and the Rollerblade (fanatic) Tontorr well under control. Let's see what I can test in the next few weeks, I've had enough of the knights for now.


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