Donnerstag, 16. November 2023

Noble Lord - Unit Guide (english)

Noble Lord
or Lady are the generals and feudal lords of many brave humans


  • Profile Values: With a defensive statistic of D3 R3 and 4 wounds, the Lord does not seek direct duels. However, this can be changed with heirlooms and weapon choices. Especially +2 attacks and Cleave 1 are a popular and sensible combination.
  • Warband: In addition to standard troops such as Man at Arms, Militia, and Crossbows, he has access to the Household Guard, Longbowmen, Mounted Squires, and Household Knights. All usable, if not outstanding selections.
  • Supremacy: His Supremacy is good and grants all friendly infantry regiments within 8" of the Lord's position to reroll every 6 during Clash or Defense. The effectiveness naturally increases the better the own values are. Despite the expansion of the zone, the main problem remains. Positioning the regiments so that two regiments benefit from it is very difficult and rarely makes sense due to the current scenarios. Another problem is that the most important close combat infantry is not in his Warband and he himself does not distribute Bastion. So he has to rely on the Household Guard, which is okay but requires numerous buffs to be meaningful in the game. Since he is considered the same selection as the mounted Noble Lord, he is also always in direct competition with them and is actually only used when you want to field a large block of Household Guard.

Equipment & Gameplay:

  • Masteries: Now, the access to Eccentric Fighting Style immediately catches the eye, which allows the Lord to strike with 8 repeatable attacks, Cleave 1, and that is also almost the only sensible option besides Front Line Tactician, which gives Flank. Flank on the Noble Lord can be very good, although unfortunately, it has been reduced to infantry characters. The great advantage of Flank is security, and I pay 20 points for that because it simplifies my army list building. However, the units that I really want to have safely on the field are usually my blocks of knights... If you want a second heirloom, Long Lineage is also a natural choice. However, due to the predominantly deficient items, it is rarely interesting.
  • Heirlooms: By far the most commonly chosen item is the Regalia, as the Noble Lord is usually in a regiment. As a result, this and only this becomes Dauntless. This is undoubtedly good, but no longer protects the Noble Lord from duels and thus makes the item obsolete for me. Other players, however, see this completely differently and continue to successfully play the Household Guard with the Regalia. The other popular item is the Armor of Dominion, which causes all enemy units in contact to lose the special rules Smite and Cleave. Important: This does not apply to Brutal Impact, and in duels, the Noble must be in direct contact with the opponent to benefit. The other options are, of course, the items to make him safer from duels, but that only helps against mediocre or bad duel characters. Against real duel monsters of the North, City States, or the Old Dominions, he cannot compete and therefore, I would rather invest the points elsewhere.

Conclusion: Too small aura, too high costs for the profile, and an inappropriate Warband greatly limit the options. Due to lack of alternatives and because the Household Guard looks cool, however, not a rare sight.

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